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Classroom: HL 07 Blood Histopathology

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Thumbnail Name Tags Description
blood smear, chronic myelogenous leukemia
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Neoplasia - Chronic myelogenous leukemia
blood smear, Trypanosoma cruzi
blood smear, sickle cell anemia
bone marrow, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
bone marrow, plasma cell myeloma
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Neoplasia - Plasma cell myeloma
bone marrow, follicular lymphoma
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Neoplasia - Follicular lymphoma
spleen, sickle cell disease
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Spleen - Genetic disorders - Sickle cell disease
blood smear, chronic myelogenous leukemia, blast crisis
lymph node, small lymphocytic cell lymphoma/CLL
lymph node, reactive lymphadenitis
lymph node, Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosing type
blood smear, acute leukemia
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Neoplasia - Acute leukemia
blood smear, chronic myelogenous leukemia 2 (38)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Neoplasia - Chronic myelogenous leukemia
blood smear, precursor B lymphoblastic leukemia
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Neoplasia - Precursor B lymphoblastic leukemia
blood smear, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (493)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Neoplasia - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
bone marrow, erythroid hyperplasia (620)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Adaptation and accumulations - Erythroid hyperplasia
bone marrow, plasma cell myeloma (39)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Neoplasia - Plasma cell myeloma
chronic lymphocytic leukemia / small lymphocytic lymphoma -bone marrow, lymph no
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node: bone marrow: liver: kidney - Neoplasia - Chronic lymphocytic leukemia / small lymphocytic lymphoma
Multiple myeloma (755)
Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Multiple myeloma
acute myeloid leukemia with inv (16) and increased abnormal eosinophils (1008)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Neoplasia - Acute myeloid leukemia with inv (16) and increased abnormal eosinophils
erythroblastosis fetalis, liver
Histopathology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver - Diseases of infancy and childhood - Erythroblastosis fetalis
hemochromatosis 2 (632)
Histopathology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver - Genetic disorders - Hemochromatosis
acute myeloid leukemia, liver
Histopathology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver - Neoplasia - Acute myeloid leukemia
hemochromatosis/hemosiderosis, liver
Histopathology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver and lymph node - Adaptation and accumulations - Hemochromatosis/hemosiderosis
blood smear, peripheral (normal)
blood, peripheral, buffy coat smear
blood smear, iron deficiency anemia
lymph node, follicular lymphoma, grade 2
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Neoplasia - Follicular lymphoma: grade 2
lymph node, follicular lymphoma: grade 1 (31)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Neoplasia - Follicular lymphoma: grade 1
bone marrow, chronic lymphocytic leukemia
primary myelofibrosis (formerly chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis), bone marrow
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow - Neoplasia - Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis
malaria, spleen (left), liver (right)
Histopathology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver: spleen - Infectious disease - Malaria
Follicular hyperplasia (496)
Histopathology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Adaptation and accumulations - Follicular hyperplasia
Showing: 1 - 33 of 33 items.
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